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Mixture of Experts

Work at a career-making startup.

Mixture of Experts gathers a short list of the best AI-native startups to start or grow a career at. Every month, we host them (and you all!) at our office for pizza, drinks, short demos, and an opportunity to meet and work with some of the most compelling & promising founders in AI today.

Next Event: July 31st, 2024

June 12th, 2024

Fill out the short form below to apply and join our next event and future events with the founders of companies like Cartesia and Harvey.

If you want to present at a future event, shoot us a note at

Get in the Mix

What's your name?*

What email should we use to contact you?*

What's your LinkedIn (if you have one)?

Are you interested in joining an AI native startup?*

Tell us about something you've built! (optional)